APC Samura Kamara Must Apologize

Over Assassination Attempt on Maada Bio in Kamalo…. Samura Kamara Should Apologise To The Nation, says SLPP Scribe The vibrant National Secretary General of the…


PRESS STATEMENT Date: 21st February 218 ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON BRIGADIER GENERAL (RTD) JULIUS MAADA BIO The Sierra Leone People’s Party wishes to express grave concern…

Assassination Attempt On Maada Bio In Khamalo!

Khamalo, Sanda Loko Chiefdom, Karene District, Northern Province: A few hours ago, Tuesday, February 20, 2018, the SLPP Presidential candidate, the retired brigadier Julius Maada…

Samura Kamara Lambasts the APC

– as he fumbles and he’s rumbled! Even the microphone was not his friend; it would seem. For whenever the question of “corruption” came up,…

New Direction Is A Manifesto Of The People

I am quite impressed by the holistic human rights approach of the SLPP NEW DIRECTION SOCIAL DEMOCRACY vision in promoting and guaranteeing ‘political, social, economic…

Fatima Bio spotlight Women Empowerment

Fatima Bio, the wife of Julius Maada Bio, Sierra Leone Peoples Party presidential hopeful for the 2018 elections, has said in Freetown, that in the…